Thursday, October 20, 2016

心經 The Mantra : 心經的緣起


簡稱《般若心經》Bōrě Xīnjīng

心经》的緣起,有一天释迦牟尼和众弟子在靈鷲山, 据说那天释迦牟尼在静坐没有讲道。此时观世音自在菩薩摩訶薩也来此, 释迦牟尼的弟子舍利子知道观世音自在已经透过般若波羅密多修行有成。于是问观世音自在菩薩如何修行般若波羅密多。(One day Gautama Buddha and his disciples were in the woods, and Gautama Buddha was meditating。GuanYin arrived, Gautama's disciples knew GuanYin had attained self-realization through the Mantra and so they asked GuanYin the way。)

於是, 观世音自在菩薩就向舍利子」和释迦牟尼的其他弟子讲述般若波羅密多的方法」。当时大约在二千五百年前, 那时观世音自在菩薩下凡为人, 也是最后一次下凡为人。(Guanyin then narrated the Mantra ways to Sariputra Gautama's disciples, the time was 2500 years ago and that was the last time GuanYin appeared) 

心经里 「般若波羅密多」 的 「般若」, 梵文(Sanskrit)是 "Prajñāpāramitā" , 「般若」 是智慧的意思,很多人都称之为 「大智慧
。(The essence of Mantra teaching is  ”Great Wisdom“)般若」 的起源是人生观起源的问题, 所以是脱离人生老病死苦及一切的痛苦的"大智慧"
心经》把在六百卷的《若波》浓缩成二百六十个字, 虽然只是二百六十个字, 其內容比較艱深 既不易懂,也不易背颂; 但是他的精髓都在第一段。(The Mantra explores the Origins of Life, it is the Great Wisdom“ of how to escape the Sufferings and the cycles of life, age, sickness, and death。Mantra has been summarized into only 260 words from 600 scrolls of writings。It is therefore not a simple task at all to understand its meanings; but all of its essence can be realized in the first 25 words of the Mantra)

心经》内容提了「般若波羅密」五次, 而最后一句提了「般若」两次, 在心经里出现的节奏感非常有智慧用心去写和念心经希望能够带来心平气和。(When one writes and chants the Mantra, the hope is to attain a state peace in the mind as both its content and sense of rhythm is very powerful)