Sunday, October 30, 2016

心經 The Mantra : 行深般波羅蜜多時



」,佛说「心行」 在佛教中所谓 「」,「口行」,「意行」, 都是心理上的活动。( 「」Xing, is the ways of our senses, how we feel, how we act, and what we think, It is our physiological activities)

」,不是深淺的深,是不可測量的意思 。般若的层次有 「」有 「」 ,可能是说世上不是每一个人对心经的学习和修念不一, 有缘人就能够领悟到 「」 般若的境界, 「」般若或「」般若的修行, 我本人觉得。学习心经深或浅不能强求因该要看个人的需求。「浅深」 般若包括三方面内容:文字般若、观照般若、实相般若。(「」Shēn, does not mean shallow or dept, rather it is means un-measurable 。However, everyone is motivated for the Mantra in different ways 。One should not force oneself on the Mantra ways, a person should realize the Mantra in his or her own needs 。One should see the Mantra in three levels of stages which are Chanting, Reflecting, and Realization 。Most of us mortal beings could practice the Mantra at the first stage and possibly seek some aspects of Reflections in the second stage 。)

般若」,這是梵文是「大智慧」的意思。人人有份的,佛和眾生都是平等的,不過佛是開了般若慧。(「般若」Bōrě, Sanskrit “Great Wisdom”。In the eyes of “Great Wisdom”, all beings are equal, the only difference is Buddha has attained the stage of “Realization”。)

波羅」,用来比喻眾生在苦惱的此岸, 要度過到清淨的彼岸 ,就是要
 “走出” 痛苦到清净的境界。(「波羅」Bō luó, is a metaphor to describe we are “At This Side” and to arrive at “Peace” in “The Other Side”; we will need to “Step Out of our Sufferings”。)

」,是到的意思 (「」Mì, Meaning “Arrived”)

」,是上面的意思,到彼岸之 。(「」Duō, meaning “Above” )

波羅密多」就是说从苦恼的此岸走到上了清净的彼岸 (「波羅密多」Bō Luó Mì Duō, meant from this side of suffering to the other side of peace)。

」,是果位的時候巳經斷除一切煩惱,度盡苦厄 (「」Shí, means Ripe or Attained or All sufferings diminised)。

般若波羅密多時」,上面巳經解釋過了,就說菩薩的功行,巳到究竟地,登彼岸之上了 (「般若波羅密多時」Bōrě Bō Luó Mì Duō Shí, in summary is the “State of Realization”)。

领悟了「大智慧」 就是断了所有的痛苦的意思。