Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Japanese Vocabulary 日本語彙 : オノマトポエイア Onomatopoeia

ぐうぐう Gūgū 打鼾 (Snoring)
うとうと Utouto 打瞌睡 (Doze off)
くすくす Kusukusu 咯咯笑 (Giggling)
ゲラゲラ Geragera 大笑 (Guffawing)
ころころ Korokoro 輕搖 (轻摇) (Sound of something rolling)
どんどん Dondon 越来越多 (More and more)
がつがつ Gatsugatsu 餓極了 (饿极了) (Hungry and wanting to eat)
ぺらぺら Perapera 流利 (Fluently speaking a foreign language)
いらいら Irara 惱怒 (恼怒) (Get Irritated)