Saturday, September 9, 2017

心經 The Mantra : 般若波罗蜜多心经 The Heart Sutra (English)

The Heart Sutra 

观自在菩萨, 行深般若波罗蜜多时, 
照见五蕴皆空, 度一切苦厄。
When  Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was coursing deep into the Prajna Paramita, 
He saw clearly the Five Skandhas are all Empty, and therefore He relieved all of His sufferings. 

Sariputra says, 
Form is not different from Emptiness,
and Emptiness is not different from Form. 
Form is the therefore Emptiness,
and Emptiness is therefore Form. 

不生不灭, 不垢不净, 不增不减
Sariputra says, 
All Dharmas are ultimiately Empty.
There is no born again, nor Death. 
There is no Impurity, nor Purity. 
There is no Increase, nor Decrease. 

无眼耳鼻舌身意, 无色声香味触法。
In Emptiness, there is no Form, no Feeling, no Thought, no Will, and no Consciousness. 
No Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Body, nor Mind; 
No Color, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch, nor Thoughts.

When there is no element of Eyes, there shall the end of the state of awareness.
When there is no more ignorance, there shall be the end of the state of ignorance.
Where there is no more death, there shall free from the state of re-incarnations.

无苦集灭道, 无智亦无得,亦无无得。
When all Suffering ends, all Doctrines end as well,
There is no more Wisdom, no more Attainment and no more Non-attainment. Therefore, nothing to be Attained. 

心无挂碍, 无挂碍故,无有恐怖。 
远离颠倒梦想, 究竟涅槃。
The Bodhisattva relying on Prajna Paramita,
Has no Obstruction in His Mind, and because there is no more Obstruction, He has no more Fear.
And He escapes the distorted thoughts, and ultimately attained the state of Nirvana.  

依般若波罗蜜多故, 得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。
The Buddhas of the Past, Present and Future, 
By Relying on Prajna Paramita have all attained Supreme Enlightenment. 

是大神咒, 是大明咒, 是无上咒,是无等等咒。 能除一切苦, 真实不虚。
Therefore, through the knowledge of Prajna Paramita, 
It is the Great Magic Spell, the Spell of Illumination, the Supreme Spell of all others, 
Which can truly protect one from all Sufferings, It is therefore the final Truth.

揭谛揭谛, 波罗揭谛, 波罗僧揭谛, 菩提萨婆诃。
Therefore Uttereing the Spells of Prajnaparmita, Saying 
Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha.