Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Japanese Vocabulary 日本語彙 : オノマトポエイア Onomatopoeia

ぐうぐう Gūgū 打鼾 (Snoring)
うとうと Utouto 打瞌睡 (Doze off)
くすくす Kusukusu 咯咯笑 (Giggling)
ゲラゲラ Geragera 大笑 (Guffawing)
ころころ Korokoro 輕搖 (轻摇) (Sound of something rolling)
どんどん Dondon 越来越多 (More and more)
がつがつ Gatsugatsu 餓極了 (饿极了) (Hungry and wanting to eat)
ぺらぺら Perapera 流利 (Fluently speaking a foreign language)
いらいら Irara 惱怒 (恼怒) (Get Irritated)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Japanese Vocabulary 日本語彙 : 楽しい言葉 (たのしいことば) Tanoshī kotoba 有趣的字 Fun Words

くらくら Kurakura 暈眩的 (晕眩的) (Drowsy)
にこにこ Nikoniko 友好的笑容 (Friendly Smile)
卵 たまご Tamago 蛋 (Egg)
ときどき Tokidoki 有时 (Sometimes)
もも Momo 桃子 (Peach)
小さい (ちいさい) Chīsai 小的 (Small)
一寸 (ちょっと) Chotto 一點 (一点) (a Little Bit)
まごまご Magomago 困惑 (Confused)
可愛 (かわい) Kawai 可愛的 (可爱的) (Cute)
居留守 (いるす) Irusu 假裝出去 (Pretending to be Out)
犬猿の仲 (けんえんのなか) Ken'en no naka 狗猴朋友 (Fight light Cats and Dogs)
楽しい Tanoshi 樂趣 (乐趣) (Fun)

Monday, June 28, 2021

Japanese Vocabulary 日本語彙 : 教室で (きょうしつで) Kyōshitsu de 在教室裡 In the Classroom

シャーペン Shāpen 自動鉛筆 (自动铅笔) (Mechanical Pen)
鉛筆 (えんぴつ) Enpitsu 鉛筆 (铅笔) (Pencil)
彩色鉛筆 (さいしきえんぴつ) (Saishiki Enpitsu 彩色鉛筆 (彩色铅笔) (Coloured pencil)
ボールペン Bōrupen 圓珠筆 (圆珠笔) (Ball Pen)
ルーラー Rūrā 尺 (Ruler)
消しゴム (けしゴム) Keshigomu 橡皮擦 (Eraser)
ホワイトボード Howaitobōdo 白板 (Whiteboard)
黒板 (こくばん) Kokuban 黑板 (Blackboard)
テーブル Tēburu 桌子 (Table)
椅子 (いす) Isu 椅子 (Chair)
マーカー Mākā 記號筆 (记号笔) (Marker Pen)
油性マジック (ゆせいマジック) (Yusei majikku 麥克筆 (麦克笔) (Permanent Marker)
はさみ Hasami 剪刀 (Scissors)
セロハンテープ Serohantēpu 玻璃紙膠帶 (玻璃纸胶带) (Cellophane tape
接着剤 (せっちゃくざい) Setchaku-zai 膠水 (胶水) (Glue)
リングバインダー Ringubaindā 活頁夾 (活页夹) (Ring bider)
紙 (かみ) Kami 紙 (纸) (Paper)
ファイルホルダー Fairuhorudā 檔案夾 (档案夹) (File holder)
ホッチキス Hotchikisu 訂書機 (订书机) (Stapler
蛍光ペン (けいこうペン) Keikō pen 螢光筆 (萤光笔) (Highligher)
クリップ Kurippu 夾子 (夹子) (Clip
鉛筆削り (えんぴつけずり) Enpitsukezuri 卷筆刀 (卷笔刀) (Pencil sharpener)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

心經 The Mantra : 無眼耳鼻舌身意, 無色聲香味觸法


In the 260 characters in the 心經 Mantra Script,  perhaps one of the most if not the most important is the repeat mentioning of these words: 

五蘊 = 色 = 受想行識  聲香味觸法 = 聲香味觸法

and there all somehow means the same things 

"六根 Six Sensory Organs", "六識 Six Consciousness" and "六塵 Six Dusts
are the "十八界 Eighteenth Realms" which are the foundations to the 
understandings of 佛學 Buddhism

耳鼻舌身意 (Sensory Organs and Consciousness
色聲香味觸法 (Dusts)

"六根 six Sensory Organs眼耳鼻舌身意 
are the  eye,  ear,  nose,  tongue,  body &  mind。 These six receptive are the 物理 physical media to connect to the 心理 physiological natures of human existence

"六識 six Consciousness眼耳鼻舌身意
This leads to the "六識" are the "心理 physiological" of how we experience "Worldly existence" through what we  See, what we 聽 Hear, what we 聞 Smell, what we 嘗 Taste, what we 感覺 Feel, and what we 思考 Think

"六塵 six Dusts色聲香味觸法
is what the world of presence means to the human in the FORM of  Color,  Sound,  Smells,  Taste of Food,  Touch, and  Thoughts

眼有視神經 The EYE has the Optical nerves to SEE COLOR
耳有聽神經 The EAR has the Auditory nerves to HEAR SOUND
鼻有嗅神經 The NOSE has the  Olfactory nerves To SMELL ODOUR
舌有味神經 The TONGUE has the Taste Buds nerves to TASTE FOOD
身有感觸神經 The BODY has the Sensory nerves to FEEL PAINT and PLEASRE
意有腦神經 The MIND has the Cranial nerves to THINK IDEAS

"六根 Six Sensory Organs" + "六識 Six Sense Consciousness" => "六塵 Six Dusts"
"六根 Internal Senses" are the TOOLs we use for "六識 Sense Consciousness" to experience the presence of the the Worldly "六塵 Six Dusts"  

and that is why TO ELIMINATE ALL SUFFERINGs is to "無眼耳鼻舌身意" also means "六根清淨" as when we can shut down the Tools (六根 Sensory Organs) that feeds the "六識 Sense Consciousness", we then can eliminate the WORLDLY SUFFERINGs due to what we experience the presence through the lust and cravings of the WORLDLY  "六塵 Six Dusts"   
and that is exactly why

無眼耳鼻舌身意 (No Sensory Organs & Consciousness) 

"六根 Internal Senses" + "六識 Sense Consciousness" => "六塵 Six Dusts"
聲香味觸法 (No Dusts)
"六根 Internal Senses" + "六識 Sense Consciousness" => "六塵 Six Dusts"
無的境界 The Realm of Nothingness