The story goes like this,
Gautama Buddha, who is the primary figure in Buddhism, He was a man who lived in Ancient India between the 6th and 4th Century BCE. HE was born as Price Siddharta, a prince and one who is destined for a life of Royalty and luxury. But soon after HIS birth, an astrologer predicted that Siddharta would grow up and then lead a life of Sage and that he would give up his throne and all of the worldly pleasures. In response to that news, HIS father and mother, King Shuddhodana and Queen Mayadevi decided to prevent HIM from seeing the outside world of poverty and sufferings. For that, the King and Queen hoped that Prince Siddharta would be used to the life of luxury and royalty, and that he will not be able to give it up.
At sixteen, Prince Siddharta was married to Yashodhara (daughter of a Nobleman). But soon, HE become curious about the outside world and secretly asked his charioteer to take HIM for a tour of the city outside the palace. He first saw the "Old and dying", and next "Sick and weak" and was told that someday he might grow Old, Sick, Weak, and Die too. And next, HE met a Sage and realized that these Monks gave up their desires and possessions to live a simple life. And thus from that point in HIS life, Prince Siddharta was deeply troubled about the meaning of Life and Death.
At the age of 29, he left his wife, children, and the palace to seek the TRUTH. 6 years later, at the age of 35 and after 49 days of deep meditation, Siddharta attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in front of his faithful disciples. This moment, is the moment prescribed in the beginning words of the 心經 Heart Sutra ...
觀自在菩薩 Observing the Peacful Buddha
行深般若波羅蜜多時 Time when HE attained Englitenment
照見五蘊皆空 Is where HE realize ALL Things are Empty
照見五蘊皆空's "五蘊" means the 5 Elements (or the Five Skandhas in Sanskrit). There are the five psycho-physical aggregates 五个心理 - 物理聚合 (which is 心理's 色受想行识).
Forms 色, is the material world.
Sensations 受, is the pleasant and unpleasant sensations of the mind and body.
Perceptions 想, is the apprehension of a specific object.
Formations 行, is the mental states of thoughts and emotions.
Consciousness 识, is the ego.When we realize that he 5 elments (5 skandhas) 五蕴 are EMPTY, where there exist if only because we think they do and that there don't exist anymore; then it is FREEDOM at last.
Simply said, if you can give up all of the worldly pleasures, then someday far far far away, perhaps in a many million years with many many many lifetimes to endure, you can also become a Buddha. Because it is said that, a Buddha comes along every 500 years!